Arbaeen 1438 I Episode 4

Arbaeen 1438 I Episode 4

مدة الفيديو: 00:28:29

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Arbaeen 1438 is a program dedicated towards providing the lovers of Imam Hussein who will walk to his Holy Shrine this coming pilgrimage. brThe main motive of these episode is to illustrate the compassion of those walking as well as the atmosphere prior and during the Great Arbaeen Pilgrimage so the pilgrim will get a better understanding of what to expect when they walk and arrive at the Holy city of Karbala. brFor this reason, interviews have been conducted with various speakers regarding the importance and great reward of those who visit the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein during his Arbaeen. brbrFor more information, you can visit us on .brHOTBIRD 10949 V,brGALAXY 12053 V