Mountather Al-Karbalai I The Status of Abbas I Muharram 14382016

Mountather Al-Karbalai I The Status of Abbas I Muharram 14382016

مدة الفيديو: 00:51:52

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It is within the nature of man to envy those who have a more elevated status than others. If one was to examine the lives and martyrdom of each of the companions and relatives of Imam Hussein on the day of Ashura one would find that Al-Abbas was the one who up-lifted the charisma of the Imam on that day. brFor this reason, Sheikh Mountather Al-Karbalai examines the the status that all martyrs envy the status of Al-Abbas, Peace Be Upon Him. brbrFor more information, you can visit us on .brHOTBIRD 10949 V,brGALAXY 12053 V