Heroes Of Karbala I Muslim Bin Aqeel I Sadeq Al-Qazwini

Heroes Of Karbala I Muslim Bin Aqeel I Sadeq Al-Qazwini

مدة الفيديو: 00:10:19

تحميل Heroes Of Karbala I Muslim Bin Aqeel I Sadeq Al-Qazwini MP3 | MP4

Heroes Of Karbala is a program which sheds light upon the lives of the 72 individuals who were present on the day of Ashura with Imam Hussein, Peace Be Upon Him.brIn this episode, the life of Muslim Bin Aqeel the messenger of Imam Hussein who was sent to Kufa by the Imam to take the oath of allegiance from the Kufians was examined along with his virtues and characters. It was also discussed how Muslim was betrayed by the very same people who invited him to come to Kufa. brbrFor more information, you can visit us on .brHOTBIRD 10949 V,brGALAXY 12053 V