Live from Karbala I Knowledge of Unseen in Quran I Sayed Hossein Al-Qazwini I 1437-2016 I Night 06

Live from Karbala I Knowledge of Unseen in Quran I Sayed Hossein Al-Qazwini I 1437-2016 I Night 06

مدة الفيديو: 00:45:10

تحميل Live from Karbala I Knowledge of Unseen in Quran I Sayed Hossein Al-Qazwini I 1437-2016 I Night 06 MP3 | MP4

The sixth night of Ramadan entails numerous evidences presented by Sayed Hossein Al-Qazwini regarding the concept of Ghayba knowledge of the unseen. brAl-Qazwini shed light upon the various aspects of this type of knowledge such as:br1 Difference between Ghayb and Shahadabr2 Is Allah the only one who has Knowledge of the unseen or can prophets also possess this knowledgebr3 Shia ideology on this concept along with Quranic evidences br4 Reason behind the Quranic verse which states: I dont have knowledge of the unseen.br5 Since Ahlul-Bait possessed this knowledge, did they know about their deathsbrbrFor more information, you can visit us on .brHOTBIRD 10949 V,brGALAXY 12053 V