Islam And Religions With Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Al-Mussawi Ep. 7

Islam And Religions With Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Al-Mussawi Ep. 7

مدة الفيديو: 00:09:35

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In the 7th episode of Islam And Religions, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Al-Mussawi extracts specific chapters from the Torah such as The Book of Genesis 17, Deuteronomy 18, Psalms 71-72, and the Gospel of St. John 1,14,15 and 16 to indicate that Prophets and Divine Books prior to Islam have acknowledged and prophesied the coming of Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him And His Holy Progeny.brbrFor more information, you can visit us on .brHOTBIRD 11317 V,brGALAXY 11929 V