The convertsation – 6 – Shaikh Daniel

The convertsation – 6 – Shaikh Daniel

مدة الفيديو: 00:38:46

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Join us with these series of convertsation to know the life of the converts.brIn this episode a continuation of the theme of the previous episode, which is marriage .brShaikh Daniel and shaikh Yahya discuss the problems which might stand in front of the converts before being married when they want to marry. They discuss the life after marriage in this episode as well, and what should converts do regarding the theme of marriage.brbrAlso they finally highlight onto the topic of divorce, and its problem and how to avoid it and how to solve it if it happened.brbrFor more information, you can visit us on .brbrbrHOTBIRD 11317 V,brGALAXY 11929 V